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10.95 10.95 AUD
Heirloom Seeds - Basil (Large Sweet Genova)
This is the quintessential Italian pesto basil, with a flavour that is sweet and peppery. Genovese basil was first bred in the Northwest coast of Italy, specifically the port town of Genoa. This is the preferred pesto basil for serious culinary types and is an incredibly easy to grow and adaptable variety, making this an excellent variety for home gardeners

When to Plant

Zone 1: September “ January

Zone 2: September “ February

Zone 3: Anytime

Zone 4: Anytime

For zone map <a href="">CLICK HERE</a>

Spacing: 20 “ 25cm

Depth: 0 “ 1cm

Position: Full sun

Soil: Free Draining with plenty of compost

How to Plant: Early in the season sow in trays, however once sufficiently warm sow directly into the garden near your tomatoes. Plant two seeds in each hole and water in. Keep moist, not wet, until germination.

Companion Plants: Tomatoes

Approximate no. of seeds: 200

Note: We source all of our seeds locally and in small batches to ensure they remain at their maximum viability for germination

**SHIPPING “ Not to Western Australia**
6.00 6.0 AUD
Heirloom Seeds - Beetroot (Detroit)
The most popular, all-purpose red beet. It is uniform and smooth, with a dark blood red flesh that is sweet and tasty, and attractive foliage that can be picked as salad greens. This variety was first introduced way back in the 19th century.

When to Plant
Zone 1: September - April
Zone 2: July - April
Zone 3: Any
Zone 4: Any

For zone map <a href="">CLICK HERE</a>

Soil Well dug through soil that is free-draining. Prepare soil with cow manure and compost a week before planting.

Soil pH Level 6.5-7.0

Position Full sun to part shade

How to Plant Sow directly into the patch at a depth of 1cm. It is a good idea to soak the seeds in water overnight prior to planting to help with germination. Once the seeds have germinated you will need to thin out the seedlings to allow adequate space for the rest to grow.

Spacing 15-20cm


Companion Plants Onions

Approximate no. of seeds 60

Note: We source all of our seeds locally and in small batches to ensure they remain at their maximum viability for germination

**Shipping - Not to Western Australia**
6.00 6.0 AUD
Heirloom Seeds - Broccoli (Romanesco)
Romanesco Broccoli is from the Brassica family, and similar in taste and texture to broccoli and cauliflower. It has a light green head and rough pointed texture in a striking spiraling pattern. Abundant in vitamins and minerals this is a nutrient packed beauty.
6.00 6.0 AUD
Heirloom Seeds - Bush Beans (Windsor Long Pod)
This popular bush bean has 15-20cm long green, flat pods and attractive, long, deep red seeds. Pick young pods regularly so they are stringless and to promote further flowering and production.

When to Plant
Zone 1: October - December
Zone 2: September - February
Zone 3: August - April
Zone 4: Any

For zone map <a href="">CLICK HERE</a>

Soil: Beans fix your soil with nitrogen that they naturally produce, so a moderately fertile, free-draining soil is required. Ensuring pH is within the recommended range.

Soil pH Level 6.5-7.0

Position: Full sun, preferably in an area of your patch that allows them to be trained vertically and therefore conserve space. Plant where you expect to put your brassicas the following season.

How to Plant: Sow directly to the patch at a depth 2-3 times the diameter of the seed. Give a thorough soaking after sowing and then avoid over watering before germination as bean seed has the propensity to rot.

Spacing: 15-20cm

Depth: 2-3cm

Companion Plants: Sweet Corn, Marigold

Approximate no. of seeds: 12-15

Note: We source all of our seeds locally and in small batches to ensure they remain at their maximum viability for germination

P.S. These are bush beans, so won't require staking!

**Shipping - Not to Western Australia**
6.00 6.0 AUD
Heirloom Seeds - Cabbage (Savoy Purple)
An early savoy cabbage with green inner heads, wrapped by deep purple leaves. A sweet, nutrient packed vegetable, that has always been a ˜superfood and may well have invented the idea. Stores well.

When to Plant
Zone 1: August“May
Zone 2: Any time
Zone 3: Any time
Zone 4: April“December

For zone map <a href="">CLICK HERE</a>

Soil Prepare your garden bed with green manure at the end of the previous season. Cut down your summer beans and turn them through the soil a couple of weeks before planting. Add well-rotted manure and compost to increase the amount of organic matter in the soil

Soil pH Level 6.5“7.5

Position Sunny, well-drained spot in the patch. Avoid planting brassicas in the same place each year.

How to Plant Propagate the seeds in individual seed cells or pots and transplant into your patch. You will however need to allow room for the cabbages to grow. Leave 30-40cm. At maturity they make take up to 1m of space. They also take a long time mature, 3 to 6 months.

Spacing 60 cm

Depth 0.5 - 1cm

Companion Plants Dill, Onion, Chamomile

Approximate no. of seeds 60-70

Note: We source all of our seeds locally and in small batches to ensure they remain at their maximum viability for germination

**Shipping - Not to Western Australia**
6.00 6.0 AUD
Heirloom Seeds - Carrot (Baby Amsterdam)
These are very smooth, slender and cylindrical carrots bred for early harvesting as babies. The flesh is virtually coreless, deep-orange, juicy, crisp and very sweet, with minimal foliage allowing for denser plantings. For larger sized carrots, allow to mature in ground.

When to Plant
Zone 1: September - February
Zone 2: September - May
Zone 3: February - November
Zone 4: February - November

For zone map <a href="">CLICK HERE</a>

Soil Prepare a well dug through, friable soil type that is free draining. Use well rotted organic matter and manure when preparing the beds.

Soil pH Level 6.5-7.5

Position Full sun. Best to follow a crop of nitrogen hungry leafy greens.

How to Plant Sow directly into the patch by creating shallow trenches and then sprinkling the seeds along the trench line. Thin out once germinated.

Spacing 2-5cm

Depth 0.5-1cm

Companion Plants Radish, Onions

Approximate no of seeds 150

Note: We source all of our seeds locally and in small batches to ensure they remain at their maximum viability for germination

**Shipping - Not to Western Australia**
6.00 6.0 AUD
Heirloom Seeds - Climbing Beans (Scarlett Runner)
A prolific early spring grower and heavy cropper, Scarlett Runner beans produce clusters of bright red flowers that form into purple podded beans, that amongst heirloom varieties are considered in a league of their own. In order to accommodate the plant's growth they should be trained up a sizeable trellis.

When to Plant
Zone 1: October - December
Zone 2: September - February
Zone 3: August - April
Zone 4: Any

For zone map <a href="">CLICK HERE</a>

Soil Beans fix your soil with nitrogen that they naturally produce, so a moderately fertile, free-draining soil is required. Ensuring pH is within the recommended range.

Soil pH Level 6.5-7.0

Position Full sun, preferably in an area of your patch that allows them to be trained vertically and therefore conserve space. Plant where you expect to put your brassicas the following season.

How to Plant Sow directly to the patch at a depth 2-3 times the diameter of the seed. Give a thorough soaking after sowing and then avoid over watering before germination as bean seed has the propensity to rot.

Spacing 15-20cm

Depth 2-3cm

Companion Plants Sweet Corn, Marigold

Approximate no. of seeds 10-12

Note: We source all of our seeds locally and in small batches to ensure they remain at their maximum viability for germination

**Shipping - Not to Western Australia**
6.00 6.0 AUD
Heirloom Seeds - Cosmic Purple Carrot
Easy to grow, great to look at home variety. Carrots have bright purple skin, with a flesh that comes in a deep orange. They produce long, slender and sweet tasting roots that will be a real eye opener for anyone that thinks a carrot has to be orange.

When to Plant
Zone 1: September - February
Zone 2: September - May
Zone 3: February - November
Zone 4: February - November
For zone map <a href="">CLICK HERE</a>

Soil Prepare a well dug through, friable soil type that is free draining. Use well rotted organic matter and manure when preparing the beds.
Soil pH Level 6.5-7.5
Position Full sun preferred, but will tolerate partial shade. Best to follow a crop of nitrogen hungry leafy greens.
How to Plant Sow directly into the patch by creating shallow trenches and then sprinkling the seeds along the trench line. Thin out once germinated.
Spacing 5-10cm
Depth 0.5-1cm
Companion Plants Radish, Onions
Approximate no of seeds 150

**Shipping - Not to Western Australia**
6.00 6.0 AUD
Heirloom Seeds - Dill
Dill is an annual herb, belonging to the celery family, that is grown for both its leaf foliage and dried seed. It is suited to both cool and warm season planting, however it needs to get set outside the more severe parts of those seasons.

When to plant
Zone 1: March - April + October - December
Zone 2: March - June + September - November
Zone 3: April - September
Zone 4: June - July

For zone map <a href="">CLICK HERE</a>

Soil A couple of weeks prior to planting, prepare the soil by incorporating a high level of organic matter, such as compost and well-rotted animal manure.

Soil pH Level 5.5“7.5

How to Plant Use a free draining soil well integrated with compost or good quality potting mix when growing in pots. Propagate in a mini greenhouse when it is too hot or cold, and then transplant once conditions become more suitable. Prone to bolting to seed, make sure to keep well hydrated and out of the direct, hot sun.

Companion Plants all Brassicas, Lettuce, Cucumber

Spacing 30cm

Depth 0.5-1cm

Position Full sun preferred when growing in winter, partial shade is otherwise best

Approximate no. of seeds 50

Note: We source all of our seeds locally and in small batches to ensure they remain at their maximum viability for germination

**Shipping - Not to Western Australia**
6.00 6.0 AUD